GUOMAT Trademark Registration And Patent Application
October 15, 2014
GUOMAT Trademark Registration And Patent Application
Trademark registration, it is to point to to get right to the exclusive use of a trademark, the trademark all its use of the trademark, in accordance with the provisions of the state registration requirements, principles and procedures, apply for registration to the trademark bureau, the trademark office after audit, granting registration of legal facts. Upon examination and approval by the trademark office registered trademark, is a registered trademark, a trademark.
An enterprise use of the trademark is not registered, the most fatal weakness is trademark user of the trademark is not enjoy the right to the exclusive use of a trademark. The use of the trademark, other people can also use this trademark, which makes the trademark indicate the source of goods affected the basic function of has also led to the trademark represents a role in product quality and credibility of the discount
Once the others will be the first registration of trademarks, the trademark of the first user is not able to use the trademark, instead of this lesson is very deep. According to China's trademark law, the trademark of the original only by trademark registration, the application for trademark registration, and the application principle of earlier, namely for an unregistered trademark, who apply for registration, the right to exclusive use of trademarks are to be awarded. Therefore, no matter how long the use of a trademark, an enterprise if it does not have the trademark registration, so, as long as the others to the application for registration of trademarks, trademark will be awarded to someone else.
Another weakness of unregistered trademarks, is likely to use unregistered trademark on identical or similar goods registered trademark identical with or similar to, the infringement to occur. GUOMAT has been underway for trademark registration, therefore, when we were in the use of the trademark is not the existence of the infringement.