How to improve the wear resistance of air spring rubber airbags?
September 12, 2016
How to improve the wear resistance of air spring rubber airbags?
Today, the gap between domestic air springs and imported air springs is getting smaller and smaller. Correct use and attention to maintenance are the ways to effectively extend the service life of air springs. Maintenance plays a role in prolonging the service life of the air spring. It must be based on the excellent quality of the air spring rubber airbag itself. What methods can improve the wear resistance of the air spring rubber airbag during the production process? In addition to the most basic work in the vulcanization process, you need to pay attention to the following points:
1. The smaller the particle size of the general filler, the lower the dispersibility, surface activity and structural structure will reduce the wear resistance. The optimum amount is BR90-100 parts, the oil-filled SBR is 60-70 parts, and the SBR and IR are 50-. 55 parts, NR is 45-50 parts.
3. The rubber with low glass transition temperature and good molecular chain flexibility is relatively less abrasive.
4. Adding high styrene, short fiber, PVC, PP, polyoxymethylene, PE, nylon and anti-aging agent to the rubber will reduce the rubber wear.
5. Adding high styrene, short fiber, PVC, PP, polyoxymethylene, PE, nylon and anti-aging agent to the rubber will reduce the rubber wear.
1. The smaller the particle size of the general filler, the lower the dispersibility, surface activity and structural structure will reduce the wear resistance. The optimum amount is BR90-100 parts, the oil-filled SBR is 60-70 parts, and the SBR and IR are 50-. 55 parts, NR is 45-50 parts.
2. Special attention is paid to the fact that rubber is not a “addition law” for rubber wear. The closer the polarity is, the lower the wear will be than the “addition law”, and the wear will be the highest with the increase of crosslink density. Good value.
3. The rubber with low glass transition temperature and good molecular chain flexibility is relatively less abrasive.
5. Adding high styrene, short fiber, PVC, PP, polyoxymethylene, PE, nylon and anti-aging agent to the rubber will reduce the rubber wear.
6. Rubber varieties have different abrasiveness, and the wear order is BR-solubilized SBR-emulsion SBR-NR-IR.